With good hygiene against viruses and bacteria
The coronavirus changes our work
While the administrative work in our office in Dresden can relatively easily be transformed into a home office, this is impossible in many of our project countries because our work is mostly focused on direct personal contact with people. Whether it's distributing bread to internally displaced persons in Syria or the meetings of the hygiene committees in the villages around Lake Victoria - these activities cannot be transferred to the Internet.
And nevertheless our emergency aid cannot simply stop. That is why, for example, the number of distribution points for bread and food has been increased in Syria in order to reduce the number of people and the risk of infection. At the same time, the distribution times were doubled and the amount of water distributed per person was increased to allow more frequent hand washing. Of course, our colleagues also provide information about CoVid-19 and how to protect yourself from it.
The prevention work covers a wide range of measures, which are always adapted to the respective situation in our project areas. In Myanmar, for example, information material has been produced and distributed in printed form, while our partner organization in Uganda uses Megafon to provide information verbally in the villages. Another important measure is the distribution of hygiene packages to provide needy families with the necessary materials to ensure basic hygiene. Contents include soap, hand disinfectant, shower gel, shampoo, washing powder, washing-up liquid and other cleaning agents. Especially in our project areas in the Middle East, where we mostly provide emergency aid for refugees, these packages make a minimum of hygiene possible.
Current information about our Corona emergency aid worldwide
If you want to learn more about our Corona emergency aid worldwide, please read on here: