Transparency & Control

Annual Reports

In our media library you can find the arche noVa annual reports of the past years.

German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI)

Since 1993, arche noVa has been continuously carrying the DZI Seal-of-Approval. The DZI subjects social and especially humanitarian and charitable organizations to a detailed examination of their business practices. A verifiable, economical and statutory use of funds as well as clearly comprehensible accounting are basic requirements to receive the Seal-of-Approval.

Appropriate advertising and administrative expenses are indispensable to finance, plan, implement and control the charitable activities, but they should be as low as possible. The following gradations are possible: 20-35% (justifiable), 10-20% (appropriate), 0-10% (low). In 2019, arche noVa spent 4.39% of its total expenditure on marketing and administration, thus committing itself to the highest standards in economizing. The data for fiscal year 2020 will be published immediately once the audit has taken place.

Transparency International Germany

Logo Transparente ZivilgesellschaftOn the initiative of Transparency International Germany, numerous civil society and science actors have defined ten fundamental points, which every civil society organization should make available to the public. arche noVa takes part in this initiative and committed itself to the transparency standards of the alliance.

Examination by an External Auditor

arche noVa prepares its annual statement of accounts in cooperation with a tax accountant. A renowned external auditing company regularly controls the data.

External Audits and Evaluations

Furthermore, our projects are checked through audits and evaluations independently commissioned by our sponsors.


Internal Control

Management Control

arche noVa is a registered and charitable non-profit organization. The honorary executive board controls the management. According to the statute, the board is elected every three years at a general meeting. The board is discharged through the general meeting and meets regularly several times a year.

Audit Committee

The audit committee can look into all documents of the organization at any time. It is elected at a general meeting every three years. The committee controls the compliance with financial provisions, in particular the compliance with provisions relating to correct accounting and use of funds. It audits the annual financial statement of the executive board and comments on its dismissal. Moreover, it controls the implementation of decisions concerning the organization’s activities. The audit committee has to inform the general meeting about the results.

Ethical guidelines for corporate donations and cooperation and collaboration with foundations

arche noVa has agreed on ethical guidelines for the cooperation with companies and foundations. You can find these ethical guidelines here.


Dr. Christian Holtermann
datarea GmbH
Meißner Straße 103
D-01445 Radebeul


The ombudsperson is an external, independent, neutral and confidential contact person for suggestions and complaints regarding all activities of arche noVa e.V. It acts as an advisor, supporter or mediator if someone is affected by misconduct on the part of the organisation, if there is a suspicion of corruption or advantage taking or other problems with regard to compliance with the "VENRO Code of Conduct on Transparency, Organisation Management and Control".

The ombudsperson at arche noVa e.V. is a contact point for beneficiaries of all ages of our projects and programmes, employees of the office and project staff, donors and supporters, members of the association, employees of partner organisations and civil society.

Please understand that malicious letters and insults will not be answered by the ombudsperson.

Quality and Standards

In its work, arche noVa is committed to comply with the following national and international codes and standards:

Sphere – Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Aid (Sphere-Handbook 2011)

In 1997, a range of humanitarian organizations from all over the world launched the Sphere-Project to develop generally applicable standards in key sectors of humanitarian aid. The goal is to improve the quality of humanitarian assistance in situations of catastrophes and conflicts as well as the humanitarian actors’ accountability towards beneficiaries, donors and the public.

Sphere - Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response


VENRO is an umbrella organization of developmental and humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Germany. The association was founded in 1995. About 120 organizations are members. The NGOs work in the fields of private and church development cooperation, humanitarian aid as well as development education, public relations and lobbying.

VENRO Code of Conduct Transparency, organisational management and monitoring

VENRO Code of Conduct for Children's Rights

VENRO Code of Conduct for Development-Related Public Relations


arche noVa is a member of the Wash-Cluster and other relevant clusters and is committed to the individually defined standards for each country. In the course of the humanitarian reform in 2005, international organizations introduced the so-called cluster approach to improve the coordination of their work in various humanitarian sectors.

The Climate and Environment Charter for humanitarian Organizations

arche noVa signed the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organizations in 2023. In doing so, we express our concern about the extent of the global climate and environmental crisis and take responsibility for our own actions. arche noVa is committed to step up its response to the growing need for humanitarian aid and to address the impacts of climate change, while maximizing the environmental sustainability of our work.

The Climate and Environment Charter for humanitarian Organizations
