Water and a hot meal for people seeking protection in Lebanon

02.10.2024 - 10:10 - Libanon
The escalation of the military conflict in Lebanon has forced a large part of the population to flee within a very short space of time. Many people are currently seeking shelter in the Beirut region and in the north of the country. arche noVa has launched an emergency aid operation to provide the refugees with water, food and hygiene products
Imagine having to leave your home in a panic without knowing exactly where you are going - and without being able to be sure that you will return. According to recent reports, more than a million people in Lebanon are currently living this nightmare.

Many people seeking protection from the attacked south and east of the country have now reached the city of Beirut or the north of the country. However, the region is not prepared to receive and care for such a large number of people. School buildings have been converted into makeshift shelters, but there are not enough places to sleep - let alone enough water, food or soap. All of this has been unaffordable for many families in Lebanon for years anyway, as half of the population lives in poverty due to the ongoing political and economic instability.

arche noVa has been active in Lebanon since 2015 and implements projects in the areas of education and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene). Our team in Tripoli reacted as quickly as possible to the dramatic situation in the country and initiated emergency aid measures together with the local partner organization Tankamel Sawa. The focus of the operation is on providing refugees with essential supplies such as drinking water.

“The number of people fleeing within Lebanon has risen dramatically in recent days. A humanitarian crisis seems inevitable, as the temporary emergency shelters lack the most basic necessities. Our team is on the ground to distribute water, hot meals, hygiene products and other essentials to those seeking protection.”

Margret Thieme, Desk Manager Lebanon at arche noVa

It is currently unclear if and when the people will be able to return to their homes. However, there is no doubt that they will need support in the coming weeks and months. We do not want to leave those affected alone in this desperate situation and hope for your support.

Yes, I want to help!

Water and food for people seeking protection in Lebanon
