Together with local partners we are extend emergency shelters, execute mock drills and improve on coastal protection by planting mangroves. Savings within the project’s progression allow for additional measures, which complement the initially planned or already implemented activities.
For example the cave in Tinabanan, extended to an evacuation center, will additionally receive a rain water harvesting tank, which will secure the water supply in a case of emergency. At the other two emergency shelters in Pinamitinan and Malobago paved access paths will be constructed to make the buildings easier and faster approachable. The activities in terms of bank protection will be expanded too in order to provide for better secured riverbanks. During extreme weather events there is a risk of collapsing slopes which is especially a danger to poor people, who often illegally but unchallenged build their makeshift shelters in those areas. River banks in the communities of Tinabanan, Logero and Amantillo will receive a corresponding treatment. arche noVa furthermore supports the villages in establishing own tree nurseries. Up to now the mangroves needed for securing the banks have to be fetched from other parts of the island. Morover the project communities will receive help on the purchase of material for disaster prevention, for example radios or precipitation gauges. Additionally disaster management trainings will be held.
You can find more information about the arche noVa project in the Philippines here.