Reliability for 130 fled families in Barzinja camp

04.06.2018 - 10:07 - Iraq
After six months of operation in Barzinja camp in Northern Iraq our local team draws a positive balance: All residents receive secure drinking water, the washing and sanitary facilities are working and the hygiene trainings are well accepted. Thereby arche noVa brought a bit of reliability in the difficult daily life of the sheltering people.

Starting point of our engagement in Barzinja camp were the violent inner-Iraqi struggles for the oil-rich city of Kirkuk in October 2017. The fights forced many people to flee. Most of the families that came to Barzinja camp, 50 kilometers east from the Kurdish metropolis Sulimaniiyah, have been evicted for more than one time. For them, the crisis in the country still is not settled at all.

arche noVa secures the supply of those 130 families with water. It originates from a drilling
hole delivering 11,000 liters per hour. Through a piping system it directly gets to the water canisters on the containers’ roofs. One of the measures our team on-site implemented first was the cleaning of those pipes and containers that had suffered heavily since their construction in 2014. To improve the quality of the supply further, we additionally installed a chlorinator in the water station to disinfect the supplied drinking water. Five pump operators went through a training and since then are able to maintain the system. Since arche noVa is responsible for WASH in the camp, we are taking the responsibility for the security of the
drinking water.

Further reparations our team has carried out on the toilets, the sanitation network and the pumps. The camp inhabitants received hygiene kits on a monthly basis. The kits contain hand brushes, detergent, tooth brushes, nail scissors, washing bowls, jerry cans and so on. Trash containers were set up, the waste disposal organised and hygiene campaigns started.

For our humanitarian aid in Northern Iraq arche nova relies on donations.

Why arche noVa carries out WASH projects in camps as well as in rural areas you can read about in our project information.


