Education project reaches more than 850 children

17.11.2016 - 09:46 -
Since the beginning of the school year about 850 Syrian girls and boys are able to go to school in Lebanon. Our education project in the Bekaa district where many refugee families have found shelter provides much needed support for the families after their escape.

Even though there were initial difficulties to find good suppliers, the daily supply of food is secured since this fall. The children receive a breakfast that is typical for this country: Manoushe, a flat bread similar to pizza, with Za’atar, a mix of thyme, sesame seeds and Sumak. Additionally there are fruit and water.

The 31-year-old Kawthar is one of the teachers who teach the children in the emergency accommodations. She is from a village near Damascus and lives with her husband and two children in Lebanon since the escape. “Every day the children are happy to leave their dismal home to go to school. They often wait an hour standing in front of the school”, she tells. “Many of the children did not get education for 2 or 3 years.” The project by arche noVa finally makes that possible again.

“Unfortunately, much school material like pencils, colorful paper and craft material to facilitate learning is still missing despite the support”, Kawthar continues. Sometimes she brings this kind of material from home herself.

In both schools supported by us the ending of the first semester is near. The goal of the project is to give each child a certificate in the summer which enables them to continue studying in Lebanon or maybe even in their home country Syria.

We came to appropriate agreements with the responsible authorities.
