A sign of hope in times of war

16.09.2024 - 15:50 - Ukraine
A new radiator, a delivery of briquettes, a craftsman's job - every single project activity that we are currently implementing in Ukraine is urgently needed and gives people a bit of hope. Preparations for the coming winter are currently in full swing.

arche noVa has been supporting people in Ukraine affected by the conflict in the east of the country since 2015. After the attack in February 2022, we multiplied our efforts. The humanitarian situation is now extremely precarious ahead of the third winter of war. According to the United Nations, 14.6 million people are dependent on humanitarian aid, which is around 40 percent of the population. Their supplies are not secure, especially because the bombings and drone attacks this year have severely damaged civilian and critical infrastructure in almost all parts of the country.

"This is a terrible war: children are dying again and again. Entire towns and villages are completely destroyed. And nature and ecology are also suffering. The world must not forget this."

Nataliia Kurhanska aus Staryj Saltiw

Nataliia Kurhanska is one of the people we reach with our projects. She lives in Staryj Saltiv in the Kharkiv oblast. The place is unrecognizable. People used to meet at the nearby reservoir to swim. Today, the small town is a desolate place: the recreation center on the lake is devastated, the infrastructure has been largely destroyed and many buildings are damaged.

“The last two years have been the most difficult in our lives,” says Nataliia Kurhanska. After the bombing of Stary Saltiv, she fled with her husband, daughter and grandson. Now they are back living in the ruins of their house in the small village near the city of Kharkiv. “Just one day before our village was liberated, our house, which we had spent ten years building ourselves, was destroyed and with it our small family farm,” says the 54-year-old.

Support from arche noVa a great help

Nataliia Kurhanska's family has been struggling day by day for a year now. They still have a small living space. In summer, they cook outside on the fire, and when it gets colder, on an improvised brick oven. All the kitchen utensils have been buried under the rubble. Nataliia Kurhanska is currently storing food in the cellar, as it remained undamaged. The family will soon receive a refrigerator and a stove as part of our aid project. Nataliia Kurhanska is delighted with the renewed support. “Last fall, arche noVa supported us with firewood. This enabled us to survive the cold winter in warmth and also cook.”

Donate for this project

half a ton of briquettes to heat a household for a month
purchase and installation of a radiator to heat one room for a family
a household appliance for a family that has lost its home
a new entrance door to make a damaged home or social facility safe

In Okhtyrka in Sumy Oblast, arche noVa 2023 also carried out project activities, for example at the “Kazka” kindergarten. Director Olena Gorobets emphasizes the special responsibility that her team has borne since the outbreak of the war. “First and foremost, we have to ensure a safe learning environment,” says the head of the kindergarten. But nothing is safe at the moment. There are constant air raids and power cuts. People are suffering from insomnia and are worried every day about the well-being of relatives, friends and acquaintances.

"In wartime, kindergartens across the country become not only a place for learning but also an oasis of safety and comfort for children. So we must fight with all our might for every child's smile!"

Yulia Nechai, Mitarbeiterin im Kindergarten „Kazka“ in Okhtyrka (Sumy Oblast)

Despite the war, Olena Gorobets organizes the daycare centre. After all, coming together and learning together is more important than ever for the children. “It's amazing that our kindergarten manages to do such a good job in such tough times. (...) Almost nothing reminds us of the war,” says Irina Rohosa, whose son Vova loves coming to the daycare center.

Everyday life at the daycare center made easier by repairs

arche noVa has contributed to the reconstruction of the facility, which was badly damaged in a rocket attack in May 2022. We have expanded and equipped the sanitary area in a child-friendly way so that it can now also be used by children with disabilities. “The modern design and bright colours create a positive atmosphere. At the same time, the functionality of the equipment encourages the children to be independent and responsible,” says Olena Gorobets. The most important thing, however, is the hope that arche noVa has given the kindergarten. “Together we will overcome any hardship.”

At a glance: arche noVa in Ukraine

People reached
  • Since February 2022: 47,800 people
  • Target group for winter 2024-2025: 15,000 people
Project regions
  • Kharkiv, Kherson, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Chernihiv
  • Distribution of food, hygiene packages and items such as household appliances, blankets, mattresses
  • Distribution of fuel for heating
  • Repair of damaged private houses
  • Improving the water and sanitation supply and hygiene situation in social facilities (hospitals, schools and kindergartens) kindergartens)
  • Repair work and equipping air raid shelters
  • Repair of municipal water and wastewater infrastructure
  • Psychosocial support for particularly vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly
Partner organizations
  • AWO International e.V., Civil Ray of Future, Good Actions, NEW WAY, Rokada, Strong Community
