New free online lessons by arche noVa for teachers, educators and any adult who is interested in global learning

30.03.2017 - 09:20 -
In our daily life we face globalization everywhere, whether it is at school, at work or in an honorary position. We want to understand these increasingly complex interrelations all over the world. How can teachers implement this topic in their lessons? Where can you find background knowledge and facts about global topics like global warming and migration? How do I explain globalization to my children?

arche noVa offers support for teachers, educators, parents and interested adults. Since the 1st of April there are online lessons about topics like global warming, migration and environmental justice. Anyone who is interested can participate for free. The course consists of 6 e-learning modules which you can do online, at home.

Each online module consists of a 20-minute teaching unit and a background text. Additionally to “global warming”, “migration” and “environmental justice” there are the topics of “hunger”, “global trade” and “use of resources”.

The lessons are part of the “S.A.M.E. World” project which is funded by the European Commission and therefore can be offered for free.

Additionally to the online lessons the educational platform provides an education kit which can be used to address global topics at school and other educational programs.

You can find the course here.
