Donations for safe drinking water, sanitation and health

15.09.2016 - 13:02 -
A bunch of activities started last months in our project area in Sindh. Gradually we are implementing the large program, which we will be executed in the upcoming two years. The project focusses on the extension of the water and sanitation supply systems, disaster preparedness, as well as the improvement of the hygiene situation and food security in 40 project communities. This project is close to our heart because it is important to us to promote sustainable changes and effective prevention in regions where we already did emergency and transition relief. Our help shall not break away, that is why we appeal for donations for Pakistan currently.

One of the big challenges our team on site has to cope with, is to improve the drinking water supply and the toilette habits of the village population. In the region, which is often affected by floods and droughts, save and clean drinking water is a rare commodity. The ground water is over salted or contaminated in many places.

Hence our team has to search for appropriate positions for well drilling and has to test the ground water in each village. Thereby arche noVa follows strictly the guidelines of the World Health Organization. To ensure this, we not only use our own testing methods, we also cooperate with the responsible authorities and dispatch the water samples to the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources in Badin. This has already been done in three villages. There the first construction works are about to start.

The majority of the people in our project villages traditionally defecate in the nature, including the resulting problems for hygiene, health, security and further more. That is why we do not only focus on the construction of latrines and cloakrooms, but also on raising the awareness of this difficulty. Our team adapts all measures to the previous knowledge and attitudes of the population. We intensively accompany the improvement process and support the people to change their daily routine.

While building the water and sanitary facilities we keep an eye on disaster preparedness. All facilities will be built on a specially heaped up, flood proofed level. According to the location they overlie the surrounding area with 1,2 till 1,5 meters, thereby they overlie the highest ever measured flooding level on site with 30 cm. In the future the water supply and sanitary facilities will ensure the daily supply in emergencies and furthermore will function as vanishing and evacuating point.

With fear the village inhabitants remember the year 2011, as fields, villages and houses were flooded. At that time arche noVa has started its engagement in the region with emergency help, meanwhile we build on the experience of several follow-up projects.

Please support our far-sighted project with a donation.

You can find more information about our project activities on the project site.

Beim eigentlichen Bau der Wasser- und Sanitäreinrichtungen haben wir außerdem die Katastrophenvorsorge im Blick. Alle Anlagen werden auf eigens dafür angeschütteten, überflutungssicheren Ebenen errichtet. Sie liegen je nach Standort 1,2 bis 1,5 Meter über dem Umgebungsniveau und damit etwa 30 Zentimeter oberhalb des höchsten bisher vor Ort erreichten Überschwemmungsniveaus. In Zukunft werden die von arche noVa errichteten Wasserversorgungs- und Sanitäranlagen sowohl die tägliche als auch die Versorgung in Notsituationen absichern und können als Flucht- und Evakuierungspunkte dienen.

Mit Schrecken erinnern sich die Dorfbewohner an das Jahr 2011, als Felder, Dörfer und Häuser überflutetet wurden. Damals startete arche noVa das Engagement in der Region mit akuter Nothilfe, inzwischen können wir auf die Erfahrung von mehreren Anschlussprojekten aufbauen.

Unterstützen Sie unsere Hilfe mit Weitsicht mit einer Spende.
