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Logo DZI SpendensiegelDonations are the most important source from which we finance our work. Every donation - no matter how small - is welcome, as it enables us to provide effective and sustainable help. Please support us
Donations are the most important source from which we finance our work. Every donation - no matter how small - is welcome, as it enables us to provide effective and sustainable help. Please help us to continue to help!
Logo DZI Spendensiegel
arche noVa has carried the seal of approval of the German Central Institute for Social Issues since 1993.
Logo Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft
arche noVa participates in the Transparent Civil Society Initiative and has committed itself to the corresponding standard.

Your contact

Portrait Gesa Himmelrath
Gesa Himmelrath
Donor Service
0351 271832-17

Donation account:

IBAN: DE17370205000003573500

Paypal Donations
